Angina pectoris is a condition caused by the obstruction or deterioration of the coronary arteries, which means that not enough blood and, therefore, oxygen reaches the heart muscle.

Depending on whether the angina pectoris occurs at rest or when effort is being made, we are describing:

Stable angina pectoris: This manifests when effort is being made and the symptoms disappear at rest or with medication, and there have been no changes in the last few months.

Unstable angina pectoris: This manifests at rest and the pain is not corrected with medication. It should be treated urgently since it can lead to a heart attack or other more severe complications.



Atherosclerosis: Arteries are obstructed by plaque, a substance composed of calcium, fat, cholesterol, etc. This is the most common cause.

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Severe anaemia
  • Other


An individual who suffers from this condition suffers pain or a strong pressure in the chest that can spread through the throat and jaw, back and along the left arm, up to the wrist.

In addition, it can cause a certain degree of anxiety, accompanied by sweating and paleness.



  • Nitroglycerin: In a spray or with a sublingual tablet. It dilates the arteries and other blood vessels, meaning that more blood reaches the heart and the pain is relieved.
  • Beta-blockers: They counteract the action of adrenalin, especially on the heart, which will beat more slowly and the need for oxygen will be decreased.
  • Calcium-channel blockers: By decreasing the calcium that reaches the arteries, the gradual narrowing of them is partly reduced.
  • Cardiology