Your well-being is our priority
Welcome to the Otorhinolaryngology Service at Hospital Ruber Internacional!
Our highly qualified team of experts has extensive experience in the diagnosis and specialized treatment of all conditions related to the ear, nose, throat, and cervical and craniofacial structures.
We have state-of-the-art technology that allows us to perform comprehensive and detailed evaluations. Our otorhinolaryngology specialists use cutting-edge endoscopes to non-invasively explore anatomical areas such as the nose, throat, and larynx. These devices are equipped with high-definition cameras that provide clear, sharp images, enabling the detection of any abnormalities and guiding precise treatments.
We offer the most advanced and effective options for the treatment of hearing loss, otitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, voice disorders, nasal septum deviation, sleep apnea, tonsillitis, adenoiditis, among many others.
Additionally, we have operating rooms equipped with cutting-edge technology to perform safe and minimally invasive surgical procedures. Our team of specialists is continuously updated with the latest advances and techniques in the medical field. This allows us to offer innovative and personalized treatments to effectively address your health needs.
We work in a coordinated and close collaboration with other medical services in the hospital when the situation requires it. We are committed to medical excellence.
State-of-the-art technology and innovative treatments.
Experience and Innovation
In our Otorhinolaryngology Service, we have expert professionals and the most advanced technology for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of:
- Hearing Loss: Includes different types of hearing loss, such as conductive hearing loss (problems in the external or middle ear that affect sound conduction) and sensorineural hearing loss (damage to the inner ear or auditory pathways).
- Otitis Media: Infection or inflammation of the middle ear, which can be acute or chronic.
- Sinusitis: Inflammation of the sinuses, which can be acute or chronic and is associated with symptoms such as nasal congestion, facial pain, and nasal discharge.
- Allergic Rhinitis: Inflammation of the nasal mucosa due to an allergic reaction to substances such as pollen, dust mites, or pet dander.
- Tonsillitis and Adenoiditis: Inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids, which can cause a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and obstruction of the upper airways.
- Voice Disorders: Includes conditions such as dysphonia (alteration of voice quality), vocal polyps, nodules on the vocal cords, and vocal cord paralysis.
- Sleep Apnea: A disorder in which breathing stops and restarts repeatedly during sleep due to the collapse of the upper airway.
- Vertigo and Dizziness: A feeling of instability or rotational movement, which may be related to problems in the inner ear or the vestibular system.
- Head and Neck Cancer: Includes malignant tumors affecting various structures of the head and neck, such as the larynx, pharynx, salivary glands, among others.
- Deviated Nasal Septum: Displacement of the septum that separates the nasal cavities, which can cause breathing difficulties and recurrent sinusitis.
- Nose and Sinuses: Nasal polyposis, chronic sinusitis, hypertrophy of turbinates, septal perforations, tumors of the nasal passages and sinuses, and smell disorders.
- Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology: Childhood hearing loss, tonsillar pathology, chronic otitis, and sleep apnea in children.
Effective and Personalized Solutions to Restore Your Quality of Life.
Research and Healthcare Excellence
Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses are very common in the field of Otorhinolaryngology, and in our service, we focus on addressing them in a comprehensive and effective manner.
Among the most frequently treated conditions are:
- Nasal obstruction.
- Aesthetic disorders of the nasal pyramid.
- Rhinitis.
- Sinusitis.
- Septal perforations.
- Smell problems.
Each patient is unique, so we strive to find the most appropriate solution for each particular case. Endoscopic nasal-sinus surgery has revolutionized the surgical treatment of these conditions. Additionally, at Hospital Ruber Internacional, we have a Smell Unit, a pioneer in the country, dedicated to the diagnosis and rehabilitation of smell problems.
We are equipped with cutting-edge technology that allows us to conduct thorough evaluations and treat these conditions effectively and safely, thanks to advancements such as:
- Endoscopic Nasal-Sinus Surgery
We use endoscopes with different angles for less invasive and more functional treatments of sinusitis, polyposis, and tumors of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses.
- Neuronavigation Systems
Use of neuronavigation systems in the operating room for greater precision and safety in endoscopic surgery, especially in cases with altered anatomy or traumatic history.
- Aesthetic and Functional Rhinoplasty
We address both aesthetic and functional problems of the nose in the same surgical procedure, improving breathing and correcting aesthetic deformities.
Sleep apnea is a condition in which patients experience repeated episodes of complete or partial collapse of the upper airways while sleeping. During these episodes, the airflow is interrupted, causing the patient to temporarily stop breathing. This interruption in breathing can occur multiple times throughout the night, leading to poor sleep quality and a significant disruption in the patient's quality of life.
Once a diagnosis of sleep apnea is made through nocturnal polysomnography, we proceed to determine the most appropriate treatment for each patient. The choice of treatment will depend on the severity of the apnea, the individual characteristics of the patient, and their personal preferences.
Especially in those with anatomical obstructions in the upper airways, surgical treatment may be considered. To determine if a patient is a candidate for surgery and which procedure is most suitable for their case, we use the induced sleep videonasal endoscopic study (DISE or Somnoscopia). This procedure is performed in the operating room, and its objective is to evaluate the obstruction of the upper airways while the patient is in an induced sleep state.
Based on the findings of the DISE, we can consider various surgeries that help correct the anatomical problems associated with sleep apnea. Some of the common surgeries are:
- Septoplasty or Turbinoplasty: Correction of nasal septum deviations or reduction of nasal turbinates to improve airflow through the nose.
- Tonsillectomy or Adenoidectomy: Removal of enlarged tonsils or adenoids may help clear the upper airways.
- Base of Tongue Surgery: Procedures can be performed to reduce the size of the tissue at the base of the tongue that may obstruct the airways.
These surgeries aim to improve airflow during sleep, reduce apnea episodes, and improve the patient's sleep quality.
The DISE and associated surgeries are powerful tools that allow us to address obstructive sleep apnea in a personalized and effective manner.
We are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the voice and swallowing. We have extensive experience in diagnostic techniques and advanced therapies to address a wide range of laryngeal conditions.
Numerous voice professionals, such as singers, broadcasters, presenters, actors, actresses, and speakers from our country, among others, visit our service to improve vocal performance, treat specific conditions, or prevent future voice problems.
Among the most common conditions we treat are:
- Vocal Cord Polyps, Edemas, and Cysts
These are conditions affecting the vocal cords, causing growths (polyps), swelling (edemas), or cysts in these structures, which can result in voice changes and difficulty speaking.
- Vocal Cord Movement Disorders (paralysis, tremors, and spasmodic dysphonia)
These disorders involve abnormalities in the function of the vocal cords. Paralysis is the inability to move one or both vocal cords, tremors are involuntary movements of the vocal cords, and spasmodic dysphonia is characterized by spasms in the laryngeal muscles that weaken the voice.
- Professional and Artistic Voice Disorders
These refer to voice problems that occur in individuals who make frequent or professional use of their voice, such as singers, actors, or teachers. These disorders may include vocal fatigue, loss of vocal range, and other issues related to intense voice use.
- Gender Dysphonia
Gender dysphonia is a condition in which a person's voice does not align with the typical vocal characteristics of their gender identity or gender expression. It can affect both transgender individuals and those who experience a mismatch between their gender identity and their voice.
- Oropharyngeal Dysphagia
Oropharyngeal dysphagia is difficulty swallowing caused by problems in the structures of the throat and pharynx. It can lead to choking, a sensation of obstruction when swallowing, and difficulty eating and drinking safely.
Voice and Swallowing Diagnosis
For diagnosis, we perform various types of evaluations, such as:
- Acoustic Voice Analysis: This is done by recording the voice and then analyzing specific parameters, such as frequency, intensity, duration, and voice improvement.
- Laryngeal Stroboscopy: A flexible camera is inserted through the mouth or nose to observe the larynx while a strobe light flashes in sync with the vibration frequency of the vocal cords, providing a more detailed view of their movements and vibrations.
- Laryngeal Electromyography: Small electrodes are placed on the laryngeal muscles, which detect the electrical signals generated by the muscles during voice production.
- Swallowing Videoendoscopy (VEDS): A fibroscope is inserted through the mouth to directly visualize the larynx and hypopharynx while the patient ingests thickened liquids of various consistencies and dyed with coloring for better visualization.
Treatment of Voice and Swallowing Disorders
We offer cutting-edge and personalized treatment options, including:
- Ogophoniatric Treatment:
Specialized therapy directed by speech therapists and phoniatrists to improve voice quality and correct harmful vocal habits.
- Medical Treatment:
We use medications to treat specific conditions affecting the voice and swallowing, such as anti-inflammatories or pain relievers.
- Surgery:
We perform various surgical procedures, sometimes on an outpatient basis in consultation, to treat conditions that do not respond to non-invasive treatments. These include laryngoplasty with injection of temporary or permanent fillers and botulinum toxin injections for spasmodic dysphonia and laryngeal tremor.
- Lifestyle Options:
We advise our patients on measures to improve vocal use and avoid factors that may damage the voice, such as avoiding smoking and vocal abuse.
We have a team of highly qualified specialists and advanced technological resources to perform a complete auditory study and provide cutting-edge medical and surgical treatments for various ear pathologies and hearing problems.
From prevention to diagnosis and treatment, our specialists care for young, adult, and elderly patients who come to our service with symptoms of:
- Ear Infections
Such as acute otitis media and chronic otitis media.
- Hearing Loss
Both conductive and sensorineural, which can be caused by various factors such as infections, injuries, or age-related deterioration.
- Tinnitus
Ringing or sounds in the ears, which can be constant or intermittent.
- Vertigo and Dizziness
We address problems related to balance and the vestibular system of the inner ear.
- Tympanic Perforation
A rupture of the eardrum, which can be caused by infections or trauma.
- Cholesteatoma
An abnormal growth of cells in the middle ear that can damage auditory structures.
- Otosclerosis
A disorder in the inner ear that can lead to hearing loss.
- Congenital Ear Conditions
These are problems present from birth, such as structural malformations.
- Ear Tumors
Abnormal growths of tissue that can be benign or malignant, damaging the auditory structures.
- Sudden Hearing Loss
A sudden and unexplained hearing loss.
Diagnosis of Ear Conditions
For the precise diagnosis of medical conditions affecting the ear, we have the most advanced technology to perform:
Pure Tone Audiometry: A test to measure hearing and determine the hearing threshold for different tones and frequencies.
Pediatric Audiometry: Auditory evaluation adapted for children, which may include play tests or visual responses.
- Tympanometry: An exam to evaluate the condition of the eardrum and middle ear function.
- Otoacoustic Emissions: Measurement of the inner ear's response to low-intensity sounds.
- Automated Screening Potentials: Quick tests to detect potential hearing problems in babies and young children.
- Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials: Tests that assess the function of the auditory nerve and central auditory system.
- Steady-State Auditory Evoked Potentials: A test that measures electrical activity in the ear in response to sound stimuli.
- Videonystagmography (VNG): Evaluation of the vestibular system to detect balance problems and dizziness.
- Video Head Impulse Test (VHIT): A test that evaluates the vestibulo-ocular reflex and the function of the vestibular system.
Treatment of Ear Problems
After a precise diagnosis, our specialists are dedicated to evaluating the most suitable treatment for each patient on a personalized basis. We offer cutting-edge options, including:
- Medical Treatment
We use medications and updated therapies to treat ear conditions such as infections and serous otitis.
- Surgical Treatment
We perform various surgical procedures to correct structural problems of the ear, such as repairing tympanic perforations or removing cholesteatomas.
- Hearing Aid Fitting
We advise and adjust hearing aids and other devices to improve hearing in individuals with hearing loss.
Our goal is to improve your quality of life.
In our service, we have otolaryngologists specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of the most common ear, nose, and throat conditions in children and adolescents. Our professionals are known for their approachable and empathetic manner, which fosters a friendly and welcoming environment, making patients feel safe and comfortable.
- Ear and Adenotonsillar Tissue Problems
We handle recurrent ear infections, such as acute otitis media and serous otitis, as well as upper airway conditions, such as tonsillitis, colds, sinusitis, and laryngitis. We provide medical treatments and, in specific cases, surgical interventions such as tonsillectomy, adenoidecto
- Sleep-Related Respiratory Disorders
We address common sleep problems in the pediatric population, such as sleep apnea. Using specialized techniques, we assess the obstruction of the oropharynx and offer appropriate treatments, such as tonsil and adenoid removal or reduction.my, and the placement of tympanostomy tubes.
Additionally, we offer the Early Detection Program for Hearing Loss.
We are committed to the health care of children and adolescents.
Our specialists use advanced techniques that have revolutionized the treatment of cervicofacial tumors. We perform more functional and minimally invasive surgical techniques for head and neck tumors, including those originating in the oropharynx, hypopharynx, larynx, oral cavity, and salivary glands, ensuring effective oncological results while preserving the patient's quality of life to the greatest extent possible.
Additionally, we have Nerve Monitoring Systems, which play a key role in thyroid and parotid gland surgeries, preserving nerves and improving functional outcomes compared to traditional methods.
When more extensive surgery is required, we have significantly improved reconstructive procedures.
Precision and Surgical Safety.
- Team of Dr. Miriam Navarro CunchillosTeam Leader: Dr. Miriam Navarro CunchillosHospital Ruber InternacionalSpecialty: Otorhinolaryngology91 387 52 86
- Team of Dr. Néstor Galindo CampilloTeam Leader: Dr. Néstor Galindo CampilloHospital Ruber Internacional, Centro Médico Paseo de la HabanaSpecialty: Otorhinolaryngology91 457 77 64 / 91 387 50 00
- Team of Dr. Ignacio Sierra ArbideTeam Leader: Dr. Ignacio Sierra ArbideHospital Ruber InternacionalSpecialty: Otorhinolaryngology91 387 52 72 / 91 730 46 81
- Team of Dr. Raimundo Gutiérrez FonsecaTeam Leader: Dr. Raimundo Gutiérrez FonsecaCentro Médico Paseo de la HabanaSpecialty: Otorhinolaryngology91 457 77 64