Assisted Reproduction
Together We Create Families
Welcome to the Assisted Reproduction Unit at Hospital Ruber Internacional!
At Ruber Internacional, we understand how important it is for you to fulfill your dream of becoming a mother. Whether as part of a couple or individually, our unit offers not only high-quality medical treatments but also close emotional support throughout the entire process.
We are proud to offer cutting-edge technology to perform the most advanced assisted reproduction techniques to ensure success in fertility treatments. Our dedication to excellence has allowed us to achieve high-quality standards and high success rates in our Artificial Insemination, In Vitro Fertilization, Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT-A), and Egg Donation treatments, as well as in Fertility Preservation procedures.
At Ruber Internacional, we are pioneers in performing non-invasive genetic tests that allow us to prioritize transferring embryos with the highest likelihood of achieving a healthy baby without the need for an embryo biopsy.
Our highly qualified human team consists of a multidisciplinary group of specialist doctors, embryologists, geneticists, nurses, and technical staff, all with extensive training and ongoing updates on the latest trends and advances in assisted reproduction. Their commitment is to provide compassionate and empathetic care, supporting each patient on their journey to motherhood or fertility preservation.
We maintain strict quality controls and rigorous procedures to ensure the safety and success of all our treatments.
The success stories and testimonials from those who have trusted us to overcome reproductive challenges are a testament to our dedication and passion for helping couples and single women fulfill their dream of having healthy and happy children at home.
Innovation Leader in Assisted Reproduction.
We Support Your Desire to Be a Mother
We understand that the desire to become a mother is unique and personal for every individual and couple. Our commitment is to support and accompany each patient or couple on their journey to motherhood, respecting their specific circumstances and backing their wishes, goals, and aspirations in building their family through Assisted Reproduction.
Whether you have been trying to conceive naturally for a long time without success, have experienced unsuccessful treatments, are part of a two-woman family who has decided to become mothers together, are considering motherhood without a partner, or wish to postpone motherhood through egg vitrification, you can count on us.
At Ruber Internacional, we have extensive experience, cutting-edge technology, and a team of outstanding professionals to help you become a mother and build the family you dream of. Our dedicated team will be by your side every step of the way, guiding you in selecting the most appropriate technique for your specific situation and ensuring you receive personalized care with close and empathetic attention.
We offer a wide range of techniques and treatments to help you fulfill your dream of becoming a mother. Whether through In Vitro Fertilization, Artificial Insemination, Egg Donation, or other options, we can provide you with the best solutions.
You can request an appointment through our website or by contacting us by phone at 913 87 50 00. We would be delighted to assist you.
Cutting-Edge Treatments
Artificial insemination is an assisted reproduction technique that involves introducing a semen sample, previously processed, into the woman’s uterus during the period close to ovulation. The goal of this technique is to increase the chances of pregnancy by facilitating the meeting of sperm and egg within the woman’s body.
The semen sample used in artificial insemination can come from the woman’s male partner (Artificial Insemination with Partner's Sperm – AIP) or an anonymous donor (Artificial Insemination with Donor Sperm – AID). Before insemination, the semen sample is processed in the laboratory to select the most mobile and highest-quality sperm, thereby increasing the chances of fertilization.
Artificial insemination is indicated in the following cases:
- Mild fertility issues in the couple.
- Unexplained infertility.
- Women without a partner.
- Heterosexual couples with ejaculation problems.
- Same-sex female couples.
Artificial insemination provides an effective and safe alternative to increase the chances of pregnancy and fulfill the dream of starting a family. Its indication depends on medical evaluation and the specific circumstances of each patient.
If you are considering the possibility of undergoing artificial insemination, consult one of our specialist teams to receive an individualized evaluation and determine whether this treatment is right for you.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproduction technique designed to increase the chances of pregnancy through hormonal stimulation to obtain eggs, which are then fertilized in the laboratory and transferred to the uterus to achieve pregnancy.
This process aims to produce high-quality embryos that are cultivated in the laboratory under constant supervision and control until they reach the blastocyst stage. The blastocyst with the highest implantation potential is then selected and transferred to the maternal uterus at the optimal time of endometrial receptivity. The blastocyst transfer is a simple vaginal procedure that does not require anesthesia.
En Ruber Internacional estamos orgullosos de ofrecer excelentes tasas de éxito en los tratamientos de Fecundación in Vitro (FIV). Contamos con un equipo de embriólogos altamente cualificados cuya experiencia y conocimiento en la manipulación de los óvulos y espermatozoides, así como en el cultivo y selección de embriones mediante tecnología de vanguardia, como los sistemas de cultivo time-lapse dotados de Inteligencia Artificial, garantizan la máxima calidad en cada paso del proceso de FIV.
At Ruber Internacional, we are proud to offer excellent success rates in IVF treatments. Our team of highly qualified embryologists ensures the highest quality at every step of the IVF process. Their expertise in handling eggs and sperm, as well as in embryo culture and selection using cutting-edge technologies like time-lapse culture systems equipped with artificial intelligence, guarantees outstanding outcomes.
Pregnancy Rates
At Ruber Internacional, we take pride in our excellent IVF results. Our success rate for women under 35 years old is among the highest, reaching a 60% pregnancy rate after the first embryo transfer. Additionally, our cumulative success rate is 73% after transferring all embryos from the same cycle (cumulative rate). This cumulative rate includes pregnancies achieved from both fresh embryo transfers and transfers of cryopreserved embryos from the same cycle.
The chances of achieving pregnancy with IVF treatment can increase with multiple cycles of treatment. For women under 38 years old, the pregnancy rate after three IVF cycles can exceed 90%.
IVF is a highly effective assisted reproduction technique that has provided many women and couples with the opportunity to fulfill their dream of having a baby. However, the woman’s age is a crucial factor in IVF success rates with her own eggs. As women approach 40 years old, the chances of pregnancy in a single IVF cycle decrease significantly.
For women close to 40 years old, the IVF success rate with their own eggs is approximately 42%. After 40, the chances of pregnancy decrease even further.
It is important to note that these statistics are general, and each patient is unique. Success rates may vary depending on other reproductive health factors and individual responses to treatment.
Types of IVF Treatments
IVF treatments can vary based on the source of the gametes involved, whether eggs or sperm:
- IVF with the patient’s own eggs and partner’s sperm
- IVF with the patient’s own eggs and donor sperm
- IVF with donor eggs and partner’s sperm
- IVF with donor eggs and donor sperm
Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) is a complementary technique to assisted reproduction methods that allows the detection of different genetic alterations in embryos before their transfer to the maternal uterus. There are several main types of PGT:
- PGT-A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy Detection): This test detects whether embryos have an abnormal number of chromosomes, which can lead to genetic disorders. It is indicated for older women, those with a history of miscarriages or previous failed IVF treatments, as well as in cases of male factor infertility.
- PGT-M (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic Disease Detection): This test detects the presence of a mutation in a specific gene that causes hereditary autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, or X-linked diseases. It is suitable for couples who carry a genetic disease, have a family history of genetic diseases, or have been diagnosed with a genetic disorder.
- PGT-SR (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Structural Alteration Detection): This test detects structural alterations in chromosomes, such as translocations, deletions, or duplications, which can lead to genetic diseases or fertility problems. It is appropriate for couples where one member is a carrier of a chromosomal alteration.
The PGT process involves an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycle, where eggs are obtained and fertilized with the partner's or a donor's sperm. The resulting embryos are cultured to the blastocyst stage, and an embryo biopsy is performed to genetically analyze the cells.
Once the results report is obtained, healthy embryos or those free from the genetic disease are selected for transfer to the maternal uterus. The remaining healthy embryos are cryopreserved for future attempts.
At Ruber Internacional, our embryologists are highly qualified and have extensive experience in performing embryo biopsies, in which 8 to 15 cells are extracted from the outer layer of the blastocyst (trophoectoderm) for genetic analysis. The extracted cells are placed in a special tube (tubing) that will allow for precise genetic analysis.
Our advanced technology and expertise in PGT enable us to offer precise and reliable results.
Non-Invasive Preimplantation Genetic Testing (niPGT-A) is a genetic analysis method that evaluates embryos in the laboratory without the need for biopsy. The embryos are cultured until day 5-7 of development, when they reach the blastocyst stage, and a drop of the surrounding culture medium is collected to analyze the cell-free DNA derived from the embryo present in the medium.
By analyzing this DNA from the culture medium, it is possible to assess the chromosomal content of the embryos in a non-invasive manner, classifying and ordering them based on their likelihood of being euploid (chromosomally normal). This allows us to prioritize the transfer of embryos with the highest chances of resulting in a healthy pregnancy.
Among the advantages of niPGT-A are:
- Greater precision in embryo selection: It allows for the identification of embryos with the highest probability of being healthy, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby born at home. It also reduces the number of transfers needed and shortens the treatment duration.
- Avoids manipulation and biopsy of the embryos.
- Reduction in clinical costs: Since no embryo biopsy is required, niPGT-A reduces the cost of treatment.
The niPGT-A test is particularly indicated for patients with recurrent miscarriages, implantation failures, older women, men with chromosomal abnormalities in their sperm, and patients whose embryos are not of sufficient quality to undergo biopsy. However, it is available for all patients undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment, offering a more informed and personalized decision-making process during treatment, thus increasing the likelihood of having a healthy baby at home.
Female fertility preservation is an option for women who wish to delay motherhood for personal, social, or work-related reasons. With age, female fertility significantly decreases in both the quantity and quality of eggs, especially after the age of 35. However, through the technique of vitrification, it is possible to freeze "young" eggs and use them in the future when the woman decides to have a baby, maintaining the same chances of pregnancy as at the time of preservation.
In our assisted reproduction laboratory, we use state-of-the-art techniques and follow strict protocols to ensure that the eggs are treated with the utmost care throughout the vitrification and preservation process.
The fertility preservation process involves several steps:
- Ovarian Stimulation:
The treatment begins during the menstrual cycle with the administration of hormones to stimulate the development of multiple eggs in the ovaries.
- Monitoring and Control:
During ovarian stimulation, ultrasounds and blood tests are performed to monitor the growth and maturation of the eggs.
- Ovulation Induction:
When the eggs reach the appropriate size and maturity, a dose of hCG hormone is administered to induce ovulation.
- Ovarian Aspiration:
Approximately 36 hours after ovulation induction, an ovarian aspiration is performed under sedation to extract the eggs from the ovaries.
- Vitrification:
The extracted eggs are processed and subjected to a specific "freezing" technique called vitrification. They are treated with protective media and then placed in small supports that are immersed in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196°C.
- Storage:
The vitrified eggs are stored in tanks at extremely low temperatures, with a double alarm system to ensure that the temperature remains constant.
When should I vitrify my eggs?
Fertility preservation is recommended for women who wish to delay motherhood and is most effective before the age of 35. As a woman ages, the quality of her eggs declines, affecting the chances of future pregnancy. However, vitrification offers very high survival rates and does not negatively affect success rates in reproductive treatments when performed before the age of 35.
Trust our experience to protect your future and preserve your dream of becoming a mother.
- Women’s Unit TeamTeam Leader: Dr. Juan José Vidal PeláezHospital Ruber InternacionalSpecialty: Assisted Reproduction Unit91 387 51 72 / 91 387 51 73 / 91 387 51 74
- Team of Dr. Elena Carrillo de Albornoz RiazaTeam Leader: Dr. Elena Carrillo de Albornoz RiazaHospital Ruber InternacionalSpecialty: Assisted Reproduction Unit91 451 25 34 / 91 451 25 35
- Team of Dr. Marcos Ordenes GonzálezTeam Leader: Dr. Marcos Ordenes GonzálezHospital Ruber InternacionalSpecialty: Assisted Reproduction Unit91 387 51 49 / 91 387 53 74
- Team of Drs. Bueno-IniestaHospital Ruber InternacionalSpecialty: Gynecology and Obstetrics91 451 25 01
- Team of Dr. Santiago Bau AparicioTeam Leader: Dr. Santiago Bau AparicioHospital Ruber InternacionalSpecialty: Gynecology and Obstetrics91 387 50 20
- Assisted Reproduction Laboratory TeamTeam Leader: Jesús Mari Franco IriarteHospital Ruber InternacionalSpecialty: Assisted Reproduction Unit91 451 25 23 / 91 451 25 00